Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bad Mama Moment Mini's

Here are a few snippets from my life lately


If the dark circles, uneven complexion and deepening crow's feet weren't fabulous enough - J just hit me in the face with a rather large (although thankfully not life-size) ambulance.


Then I couldn't find my slippers. 

Seriously, has anyone seen my slippers?


Then we found this on the wall. 

This crusty, spill is, as yet, unidentified.

Then I made this phone call:

"Poison control. How can I help you?"
"Umm. Hi. My son just ate a bit of Desitin, and it says here on the tube, that I should... Ah... Call you."


  1. wow time to have calgon take you away you poor sick mother..hopefully today will be a better day. glad you had a good visit with dad but i want EQUAL TIME we will have to schedule a fun day

  2. ho boy. Poison Control recognized my mom's voice by the time my brother was in kindergarten...

  3. That spill looks like vomit! Blame the cat! And when do I get to tell your sons about the time I called poison control for you...in college!!!

  4. It DOES look like vomit, I agree - altho not cat vomit which usually has a distinctly hairball-ish-ness about it. But I'm all for blaming the cat anyway. Ahh yes, poison control and I - we go way back :)
