Monday, February 7, 2011

Reading: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

The Thirteenth Tale: A Novel

Oh, I have been reading some good stuff lately. I am happiest when I've got a good audiobook in the car, another on my MP3 player, and two or three hands-on books stashed around the house. With all the snow and sickness - I've been doing some major brain-vacations, starting with The Thirteenth Tale. I absolutely devoured this book, I mean nose-buried-in-book, staying-up-too-late, annoyingly-ignoring-poor-Hubs. It was awesome.
The Thirteenth Tale an an absolutely riveting mystery. This is the gloriously gothic tale of Vida Winter, a wildly popular yet utterly mysterious British author who hires young Margaret Lea to write her final story - the unbelievable truth about who she is, and where she comes from.
Oh, it's full of spooky-ness, long sentences, and multi-syllabic words. It's a book you want to rush though - you just gotta know what happens, but the language and style force you to take it slow, lest you miss something. The good news is, it's a good thing that the reading is slow - because if you're anything like me - you'll be sad when it's over.
This is a good one, a really, really good one. A new favorite. So, go get yourself a cup of tea and grab this one - you won't regret it.

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