Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This post is dedicated to everyone out there whose children are struggling with a health condition.

I have several very close friends who are managing the health needs of their kids with an amazing mixture of strength, fortitude and selflessness.

I have been very lucky with my children, thus far - nothing much more serious than an ear infection and a bizarre rash or two.

Life has not asked of me what it has asked of my friends and I am terrified and humbled when I see them in action.

In my work as a nurse I watch parents tolerate the intolerable. A crying child that must be poked and prodded, again. A sleeping child who must be awakened for a procedure. A child in pain. A child struggling for breath.

It wasn't until I became a parent myself that I understood the true horror of what these parents bear. It wasn't until I knew these parents personally that I was truly awed by their strength and courage.

There are things in life that no one should have to do - and yet, some of us are singled out and must face those very realities the rest of us hope to avoid.

To my own parents - who heard the words, "brain surgery" and then had to wave cheerily as they wheeled me away.

To my dear friends - if you are wondering "Is this post about me?" Yes. It is. You know who you are.

Each of you inspires me to count my blessings. You inspire me to hold my children closer, and more gently. I am awed and humbled by your strength and courage.

And although I hope and pray to never be in your shoes - I know that if I end up wearing them, I have had remarkable role models for the courage I will need to wear them well.


  1. this blog needs no other comment ..it says it all ..beautiful expressed and i hope all the moms and dads great a chance to read it..every day you inspire me too..you remind me every day to remember what is important and not stress over the stuff that clogs are life ..God bless you " little missy"

  2. I have friends like this, too, and I admire them beyond words.

  3. Awesome post! Everyday we put our needs aside for the needs of our children. Some parents are asked to go above and beyond the norm of selflessness and those parents are a true example of unconditional love!

  4. Simply beautiful Melissa.

    This is a love letter not only to your friends, but your parents and your children as well.

    Thank you for sharing.
