Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

Good morning.

How was your weekend?

This family obtained a Christmas tree.

Phase one: selection.

Not too big. 

Not too small. 
We found just the right one. 

And even managed to make it home without the tree sliding off the roof of the car! (It has happened.)

Phase two: analysis of the ornaments.

All ornaments must be thoroughly inspected and
examined prior to  application on the tree. 

Phase three: decoration.

Sorry for the atomic flash, but this picture is too cute not to post. 

The Big Boy totally got into it. 

He's currently very into "putting things where dey bewong". And as soon as he got the gist that the ornaments "bewong" on the tree, he was a man on a mission. 

The Wee One, on the other hand, is never one for conforming to societal norms and kept taking his favorite ornaments off the tree to play with. 

This poor golden train was eventually taken down to the train table
where it was thoroughly  examined for  choo-choo ability. 

It was good.

It was festive.

Fa la la la la la la. La! La!

1 comment:

  1. have i told you recently how much i love this blog. god bless the internet..feel like i am in the room with my beautiful grandsons..great pics and i am sure the finished product is awesome ..your boys are very lucky to have such a fun day..hugs and kisses to all you
